Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Google+ GIF's. How to use them to enhance your personal or business plus page.

Well Google+, I've got to give it to you. You have 1 upped Facebook and the more I use you, the more you're growing on me. Here is something really cool that will help your plus page stand out weather it is a Local Business or personal page. Now it may not be unknown, it certainly isn't used near as much as it should. Have you ever tried adding an animated Gif as a cover photo or a profile photo? Check out what I was able to do with MY plus page. Yes I am a huge Superman fan. I have tested it with multiple Google+ pages and it seems to have increased interaction by 13%!!

Here are some tools to help with the process. Remember the cover photo needs to be bigger than 480x270 and the profile photo bigger that 250x250

www.yt2gif.com is an online converter that allows you to take any URL from YouTube and spits out a gif. It also allows you to select a specific start and end to your clip.

ezgif.com is also an online tool that allows you to re-size your gif to something compatible with Google Plus.

Have fun and ENJOY!

Google+ Developers Blog